In this stage we are digging in deep to get to know you, we explore your tastes, learn what you like, what inspires you. We will listen carefully to all of your wants and needs to gain a clear understanding of what you wish to accomplish with the project. We create a detailed scope of work, determine a schedule and outline a preliminary overall budget.

The Kick-Off Meeting

The design process starts with a kick-off meeting to review in detail the project scope, budget, timelines and our process .
This initial meeting will include photography of all existing areas and establishing if there will be a contractor or architect involved. We will pick up blueprints and or measure the spaces. If this is new construction, the meeting will include the architect and we will request all drawings from the architect electronically.

The Vision

We discuss in depth your style and vision and expectations. How you see yourself living in your new space. This is a very essential phase, we will ask a lot of questions to really understand you before we can unleash our design genius and begin creating beauty.

Since collaboration is the key to success, we encourage you spend time thinking about your design wish list items – share magazine photos, appliance selections, designer show house photos, and colors/fabric that you prefer. You can even create a Board on or an Ideabook on

This exercise has proven to be a valuable source of information for Le Rêve Interiors and helps us to understand your design aesthetic and deliver a thoughtful and personalized interior design.

Project Budget

Usually clients have some idea of what they want to spend, if not in a large overall budget, at least in what they think individual pieces should cost. Use these worksheets to put that knowledge of what is comfortable into a document that can then be tallied into an overall budget.